We all have a story to tell and everyone has a voice that can be heard. If you send your dissenting opinions into the site they will be posted here.

If you have a document you think would fit in this collection please email it to csumstudentvoice@gmail.com.

  • Be a friend

    Posted 12/20/22 @ 2154

    What does dragging Cal Maritime’s name through the dirt do for anyone? I’ve heard activists spout this cause that they’ve so nobly taken up. It’s funny that some receive all the spotlight attention, but what has it done? It’s encouraged an arrogant attention seeking narcissism on one side, and an equally as powerful reactionary hate infused rhetoric on the other. All while students face the horrors of a chaotic young adult life and are told their sufferings were engineered by people just for the sake of it. What a horrible message to spread.
    There are so many people here at Cal Maritime that are confused, lonely, and isolated. They have no one to love them and appreciate them. They don’t have the kinship that you’d expect from a small school organized into three companies. No one invites them to parties, grocery runs, or to eat out. They are regularly skipped over as liberty partners on cruise. No one has taught them how to properly fit in. And each day that goes by seems to pass an inaccurate judgement to them that they are not valuable or wanted. I have no doubt that many of us have faced this feeling no matter your role on the social ladder. I can’t think of a way anyone who can go through this kind of hell without coming out shaken. You want to make a positive impact? Be a friend. Smile at someone. Love them. Share laughter and camaraderie.
    But also understand to truly make a positive impact on someone’s life will take a lot of effort and work. Humans have all sorts of demons and snakes that consume our mind. We face tragedies and hell on a daily basis. We are controlled by emotions that are ancient, primal and deep. To love someone means to weather these storms, and struggle with them through their moments of weakness. Feel their bitterness, anger and insecurity. Help them face the ghosts that haunt them in the most truthful manner possible.
    What I see now, is not a truthful way of solving the suffering that consumes the world.
    It’s easy to blame the people in power while also simultaneously ignoring your own shortcomings. It’s easy to say you’re fighting for the oppressed when it gets you attention and admiration. You don’t get to claim that you’re a good person by going on television and leveling out the same mindless criticism and hate you receive. Only years of struggle to step with someone through their tragic life puts you in that position. To both sides of the political spectrum, pick someone new to share kindness with. Start small if you have to (a smile or a greeting does wonders). You’ll do so much more for the world than painting others in a negative light.

  • [untitled]

    Posted 12/15/22 @ 2154

    Of David. Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Psalm 37:1-40

  • hello from the otherside.

    Posted 12/15/22 @ 2152
    From “a crusty gen y”

    It's interesting, horrible and completely unsurprising watching the news and reading the LA times as an alumni. For decades students and faculty have knows the leadership and administration at CMA is concerned with money and meeting their metrics. I don't fault them for this, their jobs and well being depend on it. This is the same for most large institutions; military, corporate, government.
    If you think CMA is an anomaly with regards to their reluctance to do the right thing and be transparent and ethical, boy are you in for a surprise. If you make me choose between the means by which I put food on my families table and my sense of morality... well i sleep a lot better at night knowing my family is taken care of than some ethical issue involving a stranger.... This is the way the world works. Not the way it should, but the way it does.
    Though I a agree with 95% of the shade being thrown at the school, it reeks to high heaven of SJW [Social Justice Warrior] narcissism and victimhood of a few people. Sophie, you may not realize it, but your career has ended before it started. You are thoroughly a pariah at this point. Anyone who googles her name will see that she has done and if they have any sense at all they will regard her antics as a liability. She said she has no place to go in the article... how right she is.

  • A New Approach

    Posted 1/9/2022 (submitted 12/28/2021) @ 1930

    From the class of 2015.

    Acknowledging sexual assault is only half the battle. Doing something about it is an uphill climb. Ok, lets acknowledge there many different types of health. Cardiovascular, kidney, blood, eye sight-sight, knees etc, etc. Only recently have we begun to look at mental health. In that, is the derivative of sexual health. Why is this part of health ignored? We are in the prime “mating years of our life” and men and women are expected to just “endure” these celibate conditions. The brain is firing messages to procreate and our leadership is saying “keep it in your pants”. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted. In addition to that, look at it this way. Don’t walk into a cage of hungry lions that haven’t eaten in a week. How can we mediate this issue?Could the school have hotel quarters where one can rent a room to be spent with a girlfriend or boyfriend?
    Could there be classes where “mating tactics” could be discussed.
    Could the school hire attractive women or men to come in and “pamper” men or women who don’t feel attractive and never get attention.
    Ok, that last one is a bit of a stretch. But we have to embellish new ideas if want to really solve this problem. Or, maybe to some this really isn’t a problem that needs to be solved. The sexual assault classes won’t be any good if the compression valve is never actuated. “You can learn about an engine in the books, fixing one is a different story”

  • Stop complaining

    Posted 1/9/22 (submitted 12/28/2021) @ 1930

    Stop complaining and whining. Cal Maritime was a quasi military school that used to provide a fantastic education and experience. Wear the uniform and abide by the uniform code; it’s professional and it sure makes it easy to determine what you’re gonna wear in the morning. Your individuality is your personality within not your piercing, not your colored finger nails; You are no longer young teenagers or children. Again, this is an Academy if you want to have all of these other freedoms then go to another school. Best damn education on the planet and I keep telling people about it 30 years later. Back then we didn’t give a damn if you were gay, straight, or other but we kept it to ourselves; We all got along. I am sad to see The societal changes of present affecting a great institution. Wish I could pinpoint the cause such as social media, cell phone use, etc. but I can’t. Please everybody just get along you’ll have your differences but let’s not change the Academy this is what an Academy is and should be. Again go to another educational institution if you feel you need to fully express yourself every which way externally. Every time I see comments made where people are complaining and whining for social justice I just think China is laughing and waiting and when they come it’s not gonna be fun. Kids your age during World War II were flying airplanes or in combat or deployed to sea. Do you think they complained. No they volunteered, they signed up, they lied about their ages just to get in. It’s time to grow up and get over yourselves.

  • Old Salt

    Posted 1/9/22 (submitted 12/27/2021)

    Quit goofing-off and start studying. Idiots.

  • Controversy Maritime Academy

    Posted 12/10/21 @ 2100

    Edit 12/11/21: Here are thoughts/ a response to L from myself.

    I'm a former student and I have to say that I have serious concerns regarding the state that Cal Maritime has ended up in. When I left Cal, things were in no sense perfect, but the Academy was still a place that I felt confident in both the level of education that I received as well as the reputation that having a CMA degree/license meant in the maritime industry. Nowadays, if I mention that I graduated from Cal Maritime I have to explain my opinion on every controversy and change that happened since I left leaving me to feel as if the prestige that my degree used to have has been diluted by semantics and on campus politics. I can't speak on the state that the school is in its entirety seeing as I haven't been on campus for an extended period of time in quite a while, but I thought I might share my insight on the experiences that I had as a cadet and how they influenced my career.
    1. Uniforms. The uniforms and grooming standards at Cal Maritime are uncomfortable and unsightly, but they aren't designed to be. To be blunt, the maritime industry is an uncomfortable industry to be in and the one thing that I regret from attending Cal Maritime is that I didn't put more thought and time to gain the discipline that wearing the uniform gave me. The uniform is symbolic for the level of repetition and attention to detail that is required as a mariner. I may be looking through the rose-tinted glasses of not needing to wear khakis every day, but it truly makes me sad, disappointed, and worried for the future of the industry that the uniform standards are being complained about from potential future mariners and professionals in tangential fields. As a professional, I don't hear, "We are setting a new standard and paving the way towards the future" but rather, "We don't have the discipline to do something so simple as wearing a uniform."
    2. Campus Resource Management. I know that this phrase is beaten to death but, "When I went to CMA," is going to be a recurring theme here. I had one of the most well rounded and complete educations with opportunities to excel that any mariner could have asked for. This was in part due to the many professors that I had and Cal Maritime's support network that ensured that I succeeded without discrediting my shortcomings as a disability, but rather providing ample resources to help me overcome my deficiencies as a student. I bring all of this up because my anecdotal talks with current students leads me to believe that campus resources are being diverted to on campus social and political programs that do nothing to round out your education, but act as a new mediation crutch for interpersonal problems on campus. I would like to remind current students that at its core, Cal Maritime is an educational institution that should have no vested interest in your personal life. When a cadet had a problem with another student, it would be handled like adults between the two cadets. This obviously does not apply to situations where a crime has been committed, but I believe that my point still stands. I was on both sides of being the instigator and victim of conflict between cadets and in both cases the conflict was resolved between all parties without the involvement of the university, the Corps of Cadets, or other Cal Maritime affiliated party without absolute, pertinent need. My point is that adding pedantic programs based on semantics takes money, time, and arguably, most importantly, space away from education programs at the school which, once again, has the optics of diluting the value of the education from Cal Maritime.
    3. Discrimination. I attended Cal Maritime at a time where being anything but a straight white male in the real world was practically professional suicide, but I had nothing but support as a gay, Asian American cadet from my peers at Cal Maritime. I want to be very clear here that this was my personal experience, and I don't want to discredit the very real possibility of discrimination that people may be facing, but I quite frankly am horrified and, truthfully, a but disillusioned by the notion that between my attendance at CMA and today there has been such a radical shift in campus culture that actual discrimination is being experienced. While I had jokes and conversations at my expense under the pretext of me being gay or being of Asian descent, I felt as if CMA was one of the safest places to be to avoid real discrimination, homophobia, and racism. Perhaps this has changed, but I felt as if my fellow cadets were my part of a greater crew and some of those crew I even considered family and it's a great shame if this sentiment on campus has been lost.
    In conclusion, I truly hope that cadets can gain the educational value and camaraderie that I was able to get from Cal Maritime while also realizing that the real world is a much more hostile place than the bubble that Cal Maritime sits in. To those victims in cases of reprehensible crimes performed by those who hide under the guise of being a cadet, I hope you find justice and closure. Please know that these individuals are not representative of professional maritime culture. While mariners are known to be shrewd in our language and I suppose act less politically correct than we should, we aren't, for lack of better words, pieces of shit. To those who join us, whether on the open ocean, on the inland waters, or even in the offices of the companies that keep the maritime industry alive and moving, I wish you fair winds and following seas.


  • Part 3: The truth continued, from the same writer

    Posted 12/1/21 @ 2015

    Thank you for making the effort to make sure another side is heard. The fact that you posted means that I had you tagged wrong and I apologize. I was worried you wouldn’t. To the people that thought I was suggesting the stories shouldn’t be posted, absolutely not, they should be posted. But when you have an anonymous forum like this, perception becomes clouded, and we as a community have to be careful of the emotions they induce. Which is why I keep saying to resist resentment and bitterness. All I saw were stories about how Cal Maritime was okay with rape, and that somehow all the males on this campus were complicit with it, when once again, many haven’t even encountered the situation. That changes the atmosphere. It makes people scared of their friends. It removes decency from the community, and sets brother against brother.
    I’d like to begin by addressing some of the people in the comments who somehow think I’m okay with rape. It’s ironic too because I’ve seen some of the males attacking me; THEY of all people are the creepiest, and probably most likely to take advantage of someone (warning signs mentioned in conclusion). Be careful females, that’s just a cover. I’ll say it once again, I am not okay with rape. We all know why it’s evil, but to clarify because it’s someone who takes advantage of somebody else who is powerless to stop it. My point here is that rape is a strong word, it’s similar to a sword, we need to be careful how we swing it.
    I want to address the issue of consent. We all say it should be clear. And yet, many of the situations where consent is most needed, are unclear. As a commentator said, these situations are filled with inexperience, alcohol, and ambiguity. That’s the nature of relationships. How many of you can claim you’ve been in a relationship that was completely straightforward without having had to guess your partner’s intent? I’d say if anyone reading this was thrown into the same ambiguous situation they’d also end up making the same mistake or “rape”. While a simple “no” should stop a hook up, it’s not successful because it doesn’t stop all of the emotions that came beforehand. It doesn’t stop the vulnerability of both participants. You want my solution, males need to learn how to understand these emotions, to build the mental fortitude to stop. Females need to understand their emotions too. We need to understand how putting ourselves in these vulnerable positions can lead to bad mistakes. Not just simplifying the problem to rape, reality is intensely more complicated. Calling them rapists, just makes the situation worse. There NEEDS to be another word for this.
    There are, however, TRUE rapists. Once again people that are willing to take advantage of someone powerless. Some of the males (not all) attacking me in the comments are literally on a path to this point. I am literally warning you females, I’ve SEEN them in action. It’s the reason I brought up the issue of females leading males on. They are doing the same EXACT thing. Some of them have no intention of entering any kind of commitment with them. They’re just using them for attention, popularity boosts, and to make themselves more competitive against other females. They will purposely manipulate a male’s emotions and leave him when he no longer serves their purpose. The issue here is the same issue with rapists. These are BAD people. People who are okay with hurting others. If we want to solve the issue of rape, we need to start finding them, regardless of gender.
    Many of you said I had no point earlier, you’re right, I didn’t think it would get posted, I just needed to get their attention (Once again thanks Sophie). Here’s my point, if we want to solve the issue of rape, we need to find the warning signs of horrible people. Some warning signs are people that are willing to take advantage of others. Others include those who don’t have a handle on their insecurities and vulnerabilities. You’ll notice that these aren’t exactly black and white, they aren’t. We need to address each situation with the diligence and facts necessary to correctly determine if evil was truly committed. It’s a problem that has confronted humanity since the beginning of time, and it is NOT easy. But maybe by having this conversation we can get better at finding them. If we blindly swing the word rape around like a sword, you’re just making it easier for true rapists to hide. Some are manipulative, and cunning, we need to use this word on them. This is the full truth.

    (As I finished writing this I just noticed your letter in response, however I haven’t been able to read it. I just spent the last two hours writing this and I am exhausted. This was to expand upon my original ideas for the people that didn’t understand my original point. I will not reveal my name yet, some people are willing to lynch me for writing this. This is how sad the polarization of America has gotten.)

  • Part 2: It’s time to tell the full truth

    Posted 12/1/21 @ 1045

    This is a continuation/same author of the prior submission titled, “Part 1: Resist Resentment and Bitterness” posted 11/12 lower on this page. To the author (and anyone else who wants to read it): here is Sophie’s letter in response to this submission. The author of this submission continues in “Part 3: The truth continued, from the same writer”

    I’m pretty disappointed in you Sophie, and [the other student] too since I know she’s in on running this website. I’m the one that wrote the civil discourse “not filled with hate” a couple of weeks ago. If you guys truly want change you need to post the civil discourse (not hate), otherwise your Instagram just becomes a preachers podium for ideology. I hope you both realize that transphobia and homophobia spiked when you started this website. The school is now MORE dangerous for women (explained below). It did the exact opposite of what you wanted, because you’ve silenced the other side.
    The other side has a point and I’ll explain it. Most guys come into this school at 17-18. Most haven’t even kissed a girl in their life, and the rest are coming out of their messy first loves and what not. Very few are in a stable relationship. They already have to deal with the natural fear that most guys face when it comes to women. For those that don’t know, ITS PARALYZING, and it takes ALOT for a guy to build up the bravery to make a move. Imagine being this guy barely beginning to understand his sex drive, learning to confront his fear, only to have an entire movement dedicated to shaming sexual urges. It is now more confusing than ever for males to understand these impulses. Because believe me, there are confusing women at this school. These are the confusing conditions THAT LEAD to rape. I also want to go further to say I don’t believe in victim blaming. My belief is that the cause is that it’s hard for boys to understand girls, and vice versa. It will always be hard, but if y’all work with me, maybe it can be less hard.
    I also hate the narrative that somehow men have all the advantages and power, it’s false.There are some women that know of the effect they have in men. They exist everywhere in society, our school included. Later on in life, they ruin families by stealing husbands, they cause depression by leading guys on only to drop them simply because they lost interest. In the worse circumstances, these men commit suicide. How are these consequences not comparable to rape? The mental anguish caused from these incidents can change someone forever. We’ve seen these women at this school too, anyone who reads this knows what I’m talking about.
    I want to stop rape, but if that’s going to happen, we need to start telling the truth, the FULL truth. We need to start understanding each other, and we need to stop spreading stories that make women resent men or vice versa. If you guys don’t post this, then know that you are liars, and you’ve played a hand in all the future women that are assaulted. Looking forward to your response.

  • Rugby House: Shinning some light

    Posted 11/26/2021 @ 1415

    I am a current student here at Cal Maritime and as a female I knew going to the academy there would be some issues with harassment. At the start of this semester I met a few rugby players. They invited me to come over to the house to celebrate the start of the year. I came with some friends and the second I walked in I was welcomed by the rugby boys who owned the house and they had introduced me to a lot of the other rugby players. Right off the bat they had acknowledged that the house is safe zone and if someone is ever making any female in the house feel uncomfortable to tell them and they’ll make sure they leave and can’t come back to the house.
    It was a big relief to hear that I was in good hands. As the night went on I got to get to know the girl friends of the guys and they were so sweet and welcoming. For the first time at a party where I felt completely safe. That same night some guy that wasn’t on the team and I had never seen him before at school came behind me and had grabbed me by my waist while he was “passing by” and it made me very uncomfortable. More girls came up to me and told me that the same guy had touched them as well so I knew it was no mistake that he touched me as well. I then had went up to some of the guys who owned the house and they had made sure he left and wasn’t going to come back inside. Once that was situated they had came up to the girls that said they had been touched including me and apologized for that happening and made sure it wasn’t going to happen again and that those actions are not tolerated at the house.
    After this party I started to come over to the house more often and started to bring more of my friends around because I knew it was a safe place to have a great time. As time has been going on I’ve make really great friends with not just the rugby team but the people who live in the rugby house specifically. They are like a second family away from home. It’s sad to hear that people do to certain people at parties. I empower all the men and women who speak up about their situation, they are so strong.

  • Freedom of speech is paramount on campus

    Posted 11/21/21 @ 1815

    People are being persecuted for a private chat and that is not fair. This has been taken out of context and has been grossly misrepresented. Stop bashing people without all of the information.

  • As an alum, I'm ashamed of attending CMA. (Open letter)

    Posted 11/14/2021 @ 1400

    To whom it may concern,

    I am at a loss for words regarding recent events in the corps at CMA/CSUM. I am struggling to understand why anyone sane would write the things I have read in the past day. It makes me feel ashamed to admit I attended this school. Although I don't really know what to say, I will do my best.
    To those of you out there with me; know that you are NOT alone. I believe that together and through perseverance, we will come out on top. I can't say I know why people say the things they say or do the things they do; I can only speculate. Perhaps they were bullied in childhood, or had a traumatic experience. I have no way to know. I can only hope these individuals soon see the error in their ways, despite their misfortunes, and seek redemption.
    In my time at CMA/CSUM I suppose I was relatively fortunate. I encountered direct exclusion/discrimination because of my beliefs just once from a fellow student. At the time, I thought that's just what it was and I had to accept it and move on. Some time later, I came to realize that I could NOT accept it and had to stand up for myself and my beliefs. I encourage you to stand up and demand a stop to this behavior. It is a detriment to society, and will only continue growing if we say nothing. I say we follow our hearts together. Send all the faggots to the front lines. Sprinkle in a few hormone treatments, but not enough for all so they fight over it. Hell, swap some of the treatments with ecstasy pills to make things extra spicy. Is it an M16 or a dick to suck? Who knows, they certainly don't know the difference.

    A concerned alum

  • Fake

    Posted 11/14/2021 @ 1230

    Literally everything on here is fake, no requirement of proof. I guarantee you have like 1 person who is think its real and the rest is troll's. Grow up, get a life, grow some thick skin because people in life is not fair and people are mean.

  • Part 1: Resist Resentment and Bitterness

    Posted 11/12/2021 @ 1800

    Thank you for your well thought out and explained dissenting opinion that is not filled with hate. This is a stellar example of civil discourse. I will say, to the men out there reading this site who feel they are being told “they're the issue when they've never even seen this problem”, then you are not the problem. Now that you know, it’s time to be part of the solution. I thank you for treating everyone with civility. Continued in Part 2 and 3 posted above.

    Reading these stories, I'm horrified and disgusted. The headlines that come out are "Raped aboard Cal Maritime Cruise", "Assaulted by Four Different Men While a Student at Cal Maritime". These are real problems that need to be addressed, and yet the way these accounts run these stories makes me believe real change won't happen. When I see these stories, all it teaches me to do is be afraid and resentful at the community around me. It makes me ashamed of where I’m from. This is the exact opposite of what needs to happen. If we want real change, and we truly want to stand with the victims, we need everyone onboard. This does not mean telling everyone that our community is filled with hidden witches, and that we need to go door to door finding them and burning them at the stake. It's a lack of understanding of humanity. There are many women who will read these stories and grow resentful of males, and the institution. There are a large amount of males reading these stories and probably experiencing a mix of emotions. They're told that they're the issue when they've never even seen this problem. The problem, at the end of the day is bad people. This is something that humans have been dealing with since the beginning of time, it is not unique to the Maritime Industry or Cal Maritime.
    Let’s not forget that there are many amazing people here at this school; students, faculty, and more. I know many people that would’ve jumped on this issue and been supportive to the victims, had they known. I’ve had many amazing relationships with people here, male and female. Find these people, keep them close, cut out the toxic ones. To the hundreds of people reading these, resist the urge to be resentful, resist the urge be bitter at society, and remind yourself that you still have power over how you live your life.

  • In response to the cadet who critiqued a dissenting opinion.

    Posted 11/10/2021 @ 2300

    This was written in response to the post on the homepage titled Even more worried about my safety because of the thinly veiled cover for your hate.

    1. Hospitalization and expulsion
    Equating an entirely different situation that has nothing to do with the campus goes against your argument. If you have been previously assaulted elsewhere, but not at Cal Maritime with a “large conservative body,” then you end up being safer here then elsewhere.

    2. Separation of Church and state
    “I’m not sure if they forgot that we’re at a public institution and there is a separation of church and state….” The establishment clause of the first amendment was ratified in the bill of rights to ensure that states could not support a particular religion over others, and that funding religious institutions that goes against taxpayers beliefs would not be proper. County of Allegheny v. ACLU (1989) determined that the government does not violate the close unless it explicitly provides direct aid to a religious practice that would involve people against their will. Seeing that it is not the State of California or the CSU system making these statements, then separation of church and state is not a valid argument. Just because someone uses religious reasoning for their argument does not nullify it on public grounds.

    “No one has to follow the rules of your religion, just as you don’t have to follow… mine,” You are correct that no one HAS to follow a certain religion. But the issue of the minority forcing their queer ideology on the rest of the campus is a problem, because the rest of people did not ask for it. Worshipping atheistic and agnostic world views has eroded large parts of the country. Is it better for those who may have faced discrimination? Possibly. The rest who wish to remain in a Corps of Cadets which has standards and values are the ones being left out of this discussion. Those who are religious should not be discriminated against by being told that there is “Separation of Church and State,” therefore everything you believe or say is invalid.

    3. Biology
    Comparing trans women to castrated dogs is a vulgar, but accurate assessment to what is happening today. “If you just want to sit in a little echo chamber… then a higher learning institution isn’t the place for you.” If you were interested in learning you would know that biologically altering children and young adults goes against the basis of human life. Many cases of children becoming transgender comes from sexual assault and abuse, as well as manipulative parents with Munchausen’s syndrome. This is a sad fact which much be acknowledged, but is often shut down before it can be discussed by people like yourself who are afraid of the truth.

    4. Discrimination
    We all know that discrimation based in race, religion or sex is illegal. It was not until last year in an unprecedented Supreme Court case that Title IX was extended to all genders. Saying that you are the arbiter of knowing all which goes on in the “professional world” is absurd, as clearly you cannot help but getting into a fight when someone uses free speech. A desire for professionalism is a desire to uphold what WAS great about Cal Maritime, a strong structured body of cadets who held each other to the same standards. Introducing a whole new and fabricated population will have ramifications as they are incorporated, and not being able to recognize that is part of your shortcomings in your argument. If you have the moral high ground, then you shouldn’t have to belittle people for having different views.
    “figure out why you’re filled with hate” - “maybe you weren’t loved enough as a child, maybe you’re just a bad person”
    Maybe you shouldn’t hate people for dissenting with you. Bravo mister bi guy.

    5. Cope
    I thought my life was comedy, now I realize it was a tragedy

    If there is anything you can take from my statement, I hope it is that I don’t hate you personally, I hate being confronted on my home campus where I have spent the past several years, and being told that everything I believe is hateful. Thanks for reading.

  • Stop sabotaging you're own point

    Posted 11/10/2021 @ 0900

    I hate the state of California and all the ways they're forcing changes onto Cal Maritime. I also hate the idea of our uniform and grooming standards being laxed or removed, but I'm not going to start calling people fags and wishing them death. This is a school campus, not /pol/. When you start saying things like this it just makes everyone who wants to keep Cal Maritime an academy look bad. Before you know it people will use these incidents to justify removing the uniform standard all together and just make us another CSU.
    And to the people who sign up for a school that explicitly states it has uniform standards, and then get upset that there's uniform standards — I don't know what to tell you. Except that you don't deserve slurs and death threats. Just try to understand that a lot of people here love Cal Maritime because of the ways that it's different from other CSUs. There's no shame in this school not being for you, but please don't take it away from the people who love it the way it is.
    Anyways; Cope, Sneed, and stop making me look bad.

  • You're pushing people

    Posted 11/9/2021 @ 2315

    I hope you know if this leads to sea-term getting cancelled people are going to be pissed, and it's fairly obvious who started this site.

  • Excerpt from Voiced Opinion Document

    Posted 11/9/2021 @ 1900

    As an example, a male castrated dog does not suddenly become a female dog because his reproductive organs were removed. A dog cannot even decide if they want to become something else. If you truly think we evolved and you think we are just another animal species, then we should be able to identify with what we were biologically born with. Just look down below your waistline. That should tell you everything you need to know. I am here to say that God created you just the way you are for a purpose HE designed just for you.

  • Cal Maritime is the absolute last bastion of rightwing education in California.

    Posted 11/9/2021 @ 1900

    It’s come to our attention this comment was sent in by someone involved in the group chat where they said, “I just submitted one propping up how great this place is. As a queer gender non binary. Lmaoooo,” leading us to believe it is not true.

    Cal maritime is the absolute last bastion of rightwing education in California. I thank god everyday it exists. As a Queer gender non-binary student I have been met with dignity, respect and understanding at every step of my journey. The majority of my colleagues are male gender conforming and have been nothing but courteous to me. The other stories on here are absolute fabrications that only make the school look bad for political reasons, all you have to do is follow the uniform regulations (not hard regardless of how you identify) and go to class and formo. Please understand that this campus is amazing and is essential for many of us who wish to go into the maritime field that can’t afford to go out of state. Stay maritime strong Everyone. -TT

  • There’s no evidence that these stories aren’t fabricated.

    Posted 11/9/2021 @ 1900

    These issues that people are writing in about need to go DIRECTLY to the police. There’s no evidence that these stories aren’t fabricated. Lashing out on a blog won’t fix shit.

  • Group Chats

    Posted 11/9/21 @ 2315

    I am sick and tired of these transformers trying to fuck over our school. If you voluntary come to Cal Maritime and have the audacity to demand changes to a system you took part in, because you choose to wear something different, then you are the problem in itself. If you don’t want to be called out for being a bitch, then don’t act like one. Simple as. Cope seethe and dilate.