A place for current and former CSU Maritime students

Created as a safe & anonymous space to speak your mind & share your stories

This website hopes to address issues on the Cal Maritime campus, T.S. Golden Bear, Commercial Cruise, and any other situation a Cal Maritime student may find or have found themselves in by giving current and former students a public platform to speak to the realities of their lives.

Write about what it feels like, or felt like, to be you on this campus. Things that have happened to you, how they made you feel – your story to tell. Your personal story, experiences, and feelings. This is for everyone to have a place to share their true experiences.

What you write will be displayed publicly on the front page of this website for anyone to read. If you select the option below, it may also be displayed on campus. Everything you write will be completely anonymous.

Your story is not going through administrator, commandant, or faculty fingers. This is being done for students, by students.